Bison up close. |
We're having fun on our Summer trip to Alberta, Canada. After two weeks we made it to Banff National Park two days ago. Along the way we went to the Good Guys Hot Rod show in Puyallup before heading to Glacier National Park for a week.
Terri and her brother's 40 Chevy Hot Rod. |
We stopped in Spokane so that Shan could put his Hot Rod in storage. We will be returning in a few weeks to pick it up to attend the Spokane Good Guys show.
Glacier National Park. |
We enjoyed a great campground at the entrance to West Glacier. It was the perfect site for our next five days.
Our wheels for touring. |
Last time we were in Glacier we used our Honda to travel over the Road to the Sun, this time we went in class aboard this 1936 touring coach. The top rolled back allowing a great view as we traveled my favorite road in America.
Terri's toes in the river, as usual. |
Next up for us was whitewater rafting down the middle fork of the Flathead River. It was a blast and Shan came close to falling out of the raft in one rapid. I pulled two ladies back in that went out in a big rapid. It was a fun and beautiful day.
More to come as I get the time, too busy playing to write.
As always..... life is good.