Sunday, September 28, 2014

Changed Plans

As will happen in the Ranger's lives, plans changed.  We were slowly working our way South in California when we needed to move a little faster.  My heart decided to need the services of a hospital.  So Wednesday afternoon we drove to Terri's sisters town and I went to spend three wonderful days at Valley Medical in Pleasanton (East of San Francisco).

They went for an inside look at the my heart (Angiogram) and after a few days kicked me out and told me I was fine.  No stent this time, so I was not able to add to my collection.

So instead of pretty pictures of the Napa and Sonoma Valleys you get a boring report on hospital food.  It was O.K.

I get to sit around for a few days before we can resume our travels.  At least the weather will be beautiful here for the next week.  All sun and in the high 70's and low 80's. 

We are parked at Terri' nephews house in Livermore.  We get to visit Cory and Jeanette and their cute kids which is a big bonus in life.  Eva is enjoying playing with their dogs.  If Eva is happy, so am I.

Life is good.... think I'll practice being lazy.

Perhaps I needed to look harder for a 4 leaf clover the other day.

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