I often mention that the cost of living in Mexico during the Winter is part of what finances our travels and RV'ing during the rest of the year. Each year we can save up funds from our Social Security and retirement checks because it is almost impossible to spend an American income down here. Even with the dining out and entertainment it still is easy to live below budget.
Another sunset from our balcony. |
I sat down with last years receipts and punched up our costs to live here. Some expenses continue every month even when we are not here. Others drop off in the months we are gone. For simplicity I did a 12 month average on annual expenses and only averaged monthly expenses for the actual months we are here in Mazatlan.
Here are our monthly expenses for 2017. Prices are in US dollars for gringos.
Electricity (CFE) - $21.95 PER MONTH
Natural Gas (GASPA) - $11.91
Water (Jumpapan) - $9.21
Phone & Internet Telmex - $20.47
Shaw Canadian Cable TV - $25.00
Property Taxes - Condo - $19.38
Bank Trust (Feidisimo) - $33.83
HOA - Portofino Condo - $131.57
More information; Our HOA - Home Owners Association - employees 10 full-time staff to serve the 91 condos in our two buildings. 2 maids, 4 guards, 2 maintenance men and two office administrators. We have a contract gardening company to keep our grounds and gardens near perfection. Our HOA fees cover common area and marina taxes, garbage and personal home owners insurance for each condo.
Mexican auto insurance is the same cost as we spend in the states. We put our US insurance on hold, so financially it is a wash.
We also put a couple of our Verizon cell and data expenses on hold. I have a Telcel Mexican phone that costs under $10.00 per month for phone and data. Cheap!
Another weekly cost that we pay is $15.00 for a maid to come every Wednesday. It is very common and maybe even expected to do this, it keeps the economy going and we must do our part.
One of the few things that is more expensive down here is gas for the car. We don't drive many miles, so we hardly notice. Buses and taxis are cheap so we often will use them when making longer trips around town. An air conditioned bus is 11 pesos or 57 cents US. Sometimes we will ride the cheap bus, 7 pesos. A little warmer but always provides a story to tell later.
Groceries and dining out deserves a whole blog for that subject. Many stories to tell and a few photos to show. I love research.... let's go eat at a new place tonight Terri.
Life is good.
Just after sunrise this morning. |