So it is time to tell the tale of the "No Tell Motel". I will do my best to stick to the truth and not embellish my account with my normal Ranger storytelling tendencies.
Our story begins as we were traveling down the toll road toward Mazatlan on our yearly trek to being snowbirds. This is our fourth winter making the trip so we are easily familiar with the routine. Our normal halfway stopping spot on the 2 day drive is the city of Navojoa which is about 400 miles south of the border.
As we entered town we stopped at the Fiesta Hotel that we had stayed at last year. Unfortunately the front desk clerk told us they were full for the night. Upon further inquiry we were told that all hotels would be full because there was a teachers convention in town.
We tried two more hotels and received the same response. We were out of luck.
We were traveling along with another couple and I told them we had two choices. One plan was to drive another 1 1/2 hours to the next town. It was getting dark so that was a bad plan. I told our friends that I had a back-up plan and that they should follow me.
As we drove to the outskirts of town I could see option two in the distance. The "No Tell Motel".
Have you ever heard of a Mexican "No Tell Motel"? I had read and heard of such a thing but had no personal experience in this cultural phenomena. That was about to change.
We made the right hand turn into a hidden driveway inside a walled compound. Obviously privacy was the main concern of this establishment. As we drove in we noticed that each hotel room had a private garage. Some of the garage doors were open and others the garage door was closed. We choose an open door and drove in. The door to the room is on the inside of the garage. I was beginning to understand the privacy issues involved in a "No Tell Motel'.
As we stood in the garage we faced the ultimate challenge, opening the door to see what was inside. I have to say that my expectations were pretty low. We laughed a little and then turned the door knob. We stepped inside and were shocked. It was one of the nicest hotel room we had been in during our travels around the world this last year.
Unfortunately there were no mirrors on the ceiling. But there was a very large mirror over the headboard. |
Now you may ask for more details? I'm about to explain my understanding of why a "No Tell Motel" exists. When a couple wants a private place for a romantic rendezvous the typically small Mexican home full of family and children is not the place to be. Thus the need for a "rent by the hour" motel.
I am not sure but I have heard that perhaps these rendezvous could involve a girlfriend or another companion. This is only wild speculation on my part.
Back to my account of our actual experience. Payment for the room is made through a private passage turnstile into which you can place your 300 pesos. Keeping privacy continues to be the main concern. So how much is 300 pesos you may ask? $21.04 US dollars for our night.
The room was spotlessly clean, the linens were all beautifully monogrammed, the bathroom and shower (two person size) were tiled in the nicest and classiest way and the room had a 50" flat screen color TV. Now I must say that your mother may not approve of several of the TV programs offered but at least they had a few nice music channels.
Classy shower. |
The king size bed was comfortable, the air conditioning was quiet and cool. What more could a tired traveler ask for? I can say that the room service menu had several offerings that are not available at your typical hotel.
Mr. Adventure - World Traveler |
So to wrap up here I can say that I am still uncertain whether we will ever stay at a "No Tell Motel" in our future travels. All I know is that it was much better than driving in the dark.
The best part of this whole experience is the story I can tell you. Well worth the $21.04.
Life is good..... from the "No Tell Motel".