One of the last things we do before entering Mexico is review and change our Verizon plan. This year we will be keeping our two phones activated on an international plan that includes Mexico. The cost is only an additional $15.00 per month. We will reduce our data plan to a minimum and put our Jetpack and iPad service on hold for five months. The cost to have Wi-Fi internet in our condo is much less than we pay for Verizon in the states. All money saved will be spent on fresh shrimp.
So if you want to call us just use our regular phone numbers, we're right next door.
When we were at the Verizon store last night Terri upgraded her old cell phone to an Apple i5. It was free with the trade-in of her old Razor phone, a very good deal. This will allow her to sync her iPad and iPod to her new phone. The girl is now all Apple.
I'm still stuck in Windows but at least I don't hate Bill Gates and Microsoft since the upgrade to Windows 8.1.
Terri took Eva for a spa day (haircut) while I cleaned all the carpets in the motorhome this morning. We are cleaned, packed and ready to become Mexicans again.
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A fine Tucson Cactus. |
Is life good? (This wasn't at the end of your post, and now I'm worried.)