Friday, June 10, 2016

Holy Mollie We Had A Cannoli

We had a lazy Friday morning.  The sun was out.  We had the windows swung wide open.  We were in no hurry to begin our day.  It wasn't til after noon that we walked into Manarola to have lunch at the harbor.

We had scouted out where we were going to eat.  After 10 days of Italian food we were ready for a good hamburger and fries.  I also threw in a chocolate shake made from gelato.

Lunch on the harbor today.
As we were walking back uphill to a trailhead I saw a bakery shop.  I said to Terri, "Holy mollie, I've never had a cannoli."  I quickly remedied that situation and we found a bench to sit on and have our first cannoli's.  The chocolate filled pastries were wonderful.

The trail is on the left side of this photo.
I had promised Terri that it would be an easy day of walking, not hiking.  I wore my flip-flops to assure I would not forget my promise.  Today was a walk through the hillside vineyards.

The wine grapes are starting to grow.
It's hard to imagine how old these grape vines are.
Coming to a wine bottle in a few years.

The lemons in this tree will be made into one of the many local drinks they make here.  As we wandered the vineyards we noticed many vegetable gardens planted under olive and fruit trees.  They use all the available space to grow something.

Charity story:  For years when daughter Charity was younger we always met at a restaurant to discuss and solve all of lives problems.  As we would talk I would take a napkin from the dispenser and begin to write one of my famous lists.  By the end of the meal the napkin would be full of all my great advise and suggestions.  I'm sure I could solve all the worlds problems if I had a big enough napkin.  (No, I am not announcing my bid to become president. Yet)

Today I found the source for me to give Italian advice.... need any Charity?

Italian napkin dispenser... Italian advice...5 cents

1 comment:

  1. Some days are meant to relax and notice the small things around you. Enjoy!!!

    Thank you for all your wonderful pictures and words . . .
