Here is a romantic tale from 21 years ago.
Russ's Version: It all began with my going to Tacoma to a square dance. I had just learned how to dance and would drive almost anywhere there was a dance. I arrived at Collins Grange and entered a new hall and a group of people I had never seen or met.
Early in the dance two ladies came in and I immediately took note of the redhead. As soon as I could I asked her to dance. I ended up dancing every dance after that with her. It may seem a little odd, but if you believe in love at first sight that's just what happened that first evening.
Terri's Version: As Terri and her friend drove into the parking lot they noticed a bright red Miata they had never seen. The two girls joked about there being a new guy at the dance. It was decided that Terri's friend Shelly could have the guy because Terri had no interest in meeting anyone new. Well it turned out that the guy asked Terri to dance that first dance and everyone after that.
She was pretty sure I was a flake and she would never see me again. I had given her a business card and told her I would call. But just to be careful she called my office and asked my receptionist if I was really who I said I was. Apparently she got the right answers and was willing to go dancing with me when I called her the next weekend. She still thought I might be a flake, but she said "yes".
My Sister Sara's Version: I saw my sister the next day and she jokingly asked if I had met "Miss Right?" My answer to my sister, "As a matter of fact I did!"
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Now 21 years later we are still hanging out at a square dance hall.
Kitsap Square Dance Center our new home away from home.
Up the road are another 30 campsites and a beautiful salmon stream. The grandkids love to play in the stream.
Be very careful. This is what can happen if you go square dancing.
That's pretty close to how I remember the story. :-)