Thursday, August 22, 2013

Covered Bridges of Clark County

There is only one covered bridge in Clark County, so I used a little poetic license in the title.  It's my blog and as you know the whole truth is not always told.

Several years ago after reading the book Terri and Shari took a road trip to visit the bridges of Madison County.  They still have a "thing" for covered bridges.

Cedar Creek Grist Mill in Woodland, Washington.  Built in 1876 it is still milling flour in the original structure with the original grinding stones. It is water powered from a flume 650 feet up the creek.

Terri and Shari went to do the tourist thing while I stayed at the motorhome to putter around.  I did a little fixing, a little cleaning, a little rearranging and a lot of resting.  I got a bunch of small stuff crossed off my "To Do List".

I'm a List Writer and nothing feels better than crossing an item off my list.  Only we LW's know what I'm talking about.  Another big advantage to being a LW is that I always have something to do when I wake up in the middle of the night.  Don't misunderstand what I just said, I don't actually do a task, I just write long lists of random things I should do.

Once again it's not my fault that I'm a LW.  I blame it all on the inventor of Post-It-Notes.  Next to duct tape they may be one of the greatest inventions of our times. 

Post-It-Note displayed right up front.  Almost like performance art for the LW.
The biggest advantage of a Post-It-Note over the common piece of paper is that it can be stuck anywhere.  And for we LW's that's right where it can be seen and immediate actions can be taken to cross one more item off the list.  Or maybe I'll just wait until tomorrow to get to that next item.  But at the very least I know what I should have done.
Random photo time.  What do you do  when you are a bored 8 year old?  You find Grandpa Rangers masking tape.
Don't you wish we adults could have this much fun? 
Think I'll give it a try next time I'm bored. 


  1. LW is hereditary. Our mother, you, dave, me, marg, sam. if you don't have a list, make one. We're also on time....possibly because of the list.
