The installer was quick and when he finished the installation he spent all the time we needed to understand how it all worked. Then it got better. He asked how we were going to use our new system. At that point he got on my laptop and showed us what we needed to do to get the most from our iPad and iPod. Then it got better. He asked if we were going to use a thumb drive in the USB port. I told him that that was next on my "To Be Learned List".
Next he set us up for the thumb drive. And then it got better. He downloaded 1,165 songs from his thumb drive onto my iTunes file. Score.
Would I go back to Car Toys? In a second. I'm one happy customer.

When did they ever think a radio should not have a big round knob?
They do now and it's great.
We discovered after we started traveling that our old system was dangerous to both of us. The stereo was on my side of the RV. If I tried to do anything with it while I was driving, I became a very distracted driver. Old men can not see tiny buttons at 60mph. Or maybe that's 54mph because I drive a RV just like all those old geasers that I used to yell at.
If Terri did anything she had to unbuckle her seat belt and get out of her seat to make any changes. The problem is the motorhome is too wide.
The solution was a very good remote control. The other thing we needed was a USB port and a way to use our iPad or iPod as a source of music. There hasn't always been a radio station available as we traveled this last month and we don't expect that to improve as we head East and South to Yellowstone, the Tetons and Utah.
While they were installing the new system we had them remove a large power amp that served no purpose for us. Our music does NOT go Boom, Boom, Boom so we had no need for it.
We can now nicely balance the music throughout the RV. Score one for Terri.
So, if you want to see the ever changing light show on our dash, come on over.
I washed half the RV this morning. I believe I'm showing great restrain in my activities. I could have washed the whole thing. But being a reasonable person I only did half today. I will catch the rest tomorrow. I'm feeling much better, if not smarter.
Random Picture of the Day.
Aunt Claudia, Grandpa Ranger's sister.
I don't think she was in the Navy, there must be a sailor somewhere without his uniform.
There must be a good story there somewhere.
Uncle Wally was in the Navy. Maybe it was his?? See you Saturday! (Or maybe Friday)